From: Ken Oliphant <>
Date: 07/08/2009 14:18:02 UTC
Subject: ODG: King's Law Journal - European Tort Law

Dear All
I'm pleased to announce the publication of a special issue of the King's Law Journal on "European Tort Law" (vol. 20, no.2, July 2009). I acted as guest editor. Contents are:
1. Ken Oliphant "Introduction: European Tort Law", pp. 189-202


2. Bernhard A Koch "Principles of European Tort Law”, pp. 203-214


3. John Blackie "The Provisions for 'Non-Contractual Liability Arising out of Damage to Another' in the Draft Common Frame of Reference”, pp 215-237


4. Mauro Bussani, Marta Infantino and Franz Werro  “The Common Core Sound: Short Notes on Themes, Harmonies and Disharmonies of European Tort Law”, pp 239-255


5. Paula Giliker “Can 27+ wrongs make a right? The European Tort Law Project: Some Sceptical Reflections”, pp 257-279


6. Cees van Dam "Who is afraid of diverity? Cultural diversity, European cooperation and European Tort Law", pp 281-308


Online access is available via the Hart Publishing website. If neither you nor your institution subscribes, you'll have to pay a fee. I'm told you can also get the special issue in hard copy for £38 (individuals) or £50 (institutions), at least in the UK and Europe (email ).


Best wishes


Institute for European Tort Law 
Reichsratsstrasse 17/2, A-1010 Vienna, Austria 
Tel. (+43-1) 4277-29 662, Fax (+43-1) 4277-29 670